Whiting Library Participating in Vermont Department of Health Program For The Safe Disposal of Unused, Expired or Unwanted Medications
Whiting Library, located on Main Street in Chester is participating in Vermont Department of Health program to provide pre-paid envelopes for the safe disposal of unused, expired or unwanted medications. You may mail back over-the-counter medication, prescription medication, patches and ointments, pet medications, vitamins. Fill the bag with up to 8 oz of medications (cross out or remove name and Rx number) or 4 oz of liquid medications (tightly sealed and wrapped in paper towel). Seal the envelope, and bring it to any U. S. post office, hand it to your carrier or place in your mailbox for pick-up. You may not mail sharp objects, medical waste or marijuana products.
The Vermont Department of Health wants everyone to know that properly stored and properly discarded medication keeps everyone healthy. More than half of people who misuse prescription medication get it from a friend or relative, often straight out of the medicine cabinet. Always properly store current medications in a lock box or locked medicine cabinet. Medications that are not properly stored in your home can be a risk to kids and pets who might accidentally ingest them. And flushing medications or tossing them in the trash is a danger to our waterways and wildlife.
State-wide you may drop off unused medication at a kiosk at your local pharmacy or police station. See the map at healthvermont.gov/alcohol-drugs/services/prescription-drug-disposal for a location near you.
Library is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10-6 and Saturday 10-2 - 802-875-2277 [email protected]
Email us at [email protected].