Battenkill Conservancy's Adopt a Stream Training - Thursday, May 17 at Varak Park
Carolyn Koestner, a recent graduate of Skidmore College's Environmental Science Program will be conducting the training for EarthEcho's Water Quality Monitoring Kit this Thursday, May 17 at 4pm. The training will take place at the Owl Kill, at Varak Park in Cambridge. It is the small stream that passes through the Village of Cambridge where the previously the little green covered bridge was located.
Battenkill Conservancy in partnership with Earth Echo International, is beginning the 2018 summer season's monthly testing at multiple streams and river locations throughout the watershed. Volunteers interested in adopting a stream located on or close to their property are encouraged to attend, learn what is involved in adopting a stream and receive the Earth Echo Water Monitoring Kit. Training for those interested in collecting a stream sample of macroinvertebrates, will be demonstrated to show what is involved in a one time collection of the bugs from the river's rocky beds.
Interested participants are requested to email [email protected] to ensure we have the correct number of Echo Kits available to distribute. Battenkill Conservancy's mission is to preserve and enhance the Battenkill watershed and beyond by helping to promote clean water and open space for all!
Photo: Taking samples from the stream that flows through Salem Art Works property.
Email us at [email protected].