November 2016 CCC Meeting Notes
Here is the latest from CCC:
- November 1, 2016 meeting notes listed below. (Thanks, Frank.)
- Thanks to the efforts of all, there has already been significant progress on the items discussed at the meeting. To find out first hand what is happening and not wait until the next notes are published, come to the December CCC meeting (next bullet.)
- Save the date - the next CCC meeting is December 6, 2016 at 7:00 pm. We are verifying the usual location in case there is a conflict with holiday celebrations. Will keep you posted.
- FYI - Our trail maps are on-line at and We're looking to add two locations.
November 2016 Meeting Notes
In attendance: Jay, Irwin, Melissa, Dave, Nena, Evan, Ken, Arne, Gary, Lillian, and Frank
Here are the notes. Feel free to share any suggestions or recommendations.
1. Review the Recreation Trail Grant and make updates
2. Updates on Butternut Hill trail layout and GM and LM Trail maintenance
Map was created and shared. The trail bed is in place, defined, and needs to be finalized. Parking is along the road. Ken will share the map with the committee. The map is a draft, there is still work that needs to be done. There are some mapping questions, it would be easy to connect the Lost Mine Trail. Parking area would not take much to finish off. Might be able to go live for next season. Signage will be needed eventually. We will monitor as the seasons progress. A work day will be planned for the spring.
Ken stated, "if you don't know where you are going, you're probably not going to get to where you want to be." Take note.
Consider a request to Select Board for an official parking area help. Gravel? Arne will do this on the corner of Reservoir and Lover's Lane.
Eagle Scout work for signage and kiosk? FK will check with Tom Charlton.
FK will check with Brendan McN. about stone bridge and the trail head bridge. FK will have more info at next meeting.
3. Updates on Brookside Trail bridge - permits, engineering, etc.
FK shared the info from the Williams River Watershed folks. The files are attached. Discussion ensued and the next steps would be to see if we can get an engineer to finalize the plans.
There may be donated labor and/or material for the abutments and bridge materials.
FK will contact Fitzgerald Environmental to see if they would be willing to help us with the next phase of the engineering process. Update at the December meeting.
There are other considerations to take into account. Insurance waivers, ... will need to be secured.
4. Further discussion regarding printing the trail maps We'll hold on doing a big printing of maps until we have all the trails on the same brochure.
We've gone through about #1,000 per year for about $120.00. Townscape did the nice Take a Walk tri-fold map which advertises the map. The physical trail map is one that folks prefer. The maps are available online as well. Consider approaching the town for funds for maps? Get it into the Rec Dept. budget? What amount?
5. Progress on getting trail info onto local websites
There are two sites with the Lost Mine Trail and the Green Mountain Trail on it. "Your Place in Vermont" and the Chester Town Website. There's also a place on the Town website for clubs and committees. CCC is there. "Our Chester" has the Lost Mine Trail on it but not the Green Mtn. HS Trail.
We can get the trails on the UVTA:
Gary will hopefully get the Lost Mine and the Green Mtn. Trails up on there. We'll need a master list of where the trails are posted.
We should get clarification on the accessibility of the Green Mountain UHS Trails. We will pursue more information.
6. Article for the Town Report
We had an article in the Town Report. Nena will help get a draft started? Share ideas with Nena by end of Nov.
7. Shall we meet in December? Dec.
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