Chester Conservation Committee Monthly Meeting August 4
The Chester Conservation Committee will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 4. At 6 PM, we will walk the Brookside Trail and at 7 PM we will hold our meeting in Frank's room at the Chester Andover Elementary School. Please join us as your schedule permits.
Topics to be discussed include:
1) Planning for the display at the Fall Festival. This year we will have a more interactive display per the Rotary's request so bring your good ideas!
2) Enchanted Forest Event - setting a date and preliminary planning.
3) Updates on the various trails around town including the proposed Brookside Trail.
4) Winter workshops - shall we continue the tradition? Set dates?
5) Other topics as suggested by the group.
Please join us! We welcome your ideas and input.
Mary Beth Adler
Email us at [email protected].