Chester Flower Pots Are Readied For Spring
On May 27, volunteers from Chester Townscape [CT] gathered at Sunshine Acres on Route 11 to plant 42 pots (up from 35 in 2014) that had been bought for private properties or donated for public places around Chester. Thorough organization by John McAveeney at his nursery allowed the volunteers to plant the pots in record time.
Shown left to right are Suzy Forlie, Nancy Chute, Rosann Sexton, Cheryl LeClair, Lynn Russell, Jane Davis, Carol Gilbert, Nancy Rugg, and Barb Westine. Missing from the photo are Mariette Bock, John McAveeney, and Lillian Willis, photographer.
Delivery of the pots was then provided by Cheryl LeClair and Chris Meyer, who was also responsible for watering all pots in the afternoon.
This is the second year for Chester Townscape, formerly known as Chester Beautification Committee, to organize coordinated planters all around Chester as one of its many efforts to enhance the appearance and appeal of the town. The largest CT project in the works now is the restoration of the Hearse House and Public Tomb, two very visible buildings across from the Village Green.
For information on or participation in any of the Chester Townscape projects, please contact Tory Spater at 802-875-2952.
Email us at [email protected].