Mason Begins Work on Public Tomb in Chester
Despite the challenges of early April Vermont weather, repair work has begun on Chester's Public Tomb. Built in 1850, the building shelters those who must await burial until after the ground thaws. The repair of the Tomb's walls and slate roof is the first project in Phase I of the combined restoration planned for the Public Tomb, adjacent iron fence, and nearby Hearse House – all undertaken by the Chester Beautification Committee, which is soon changing its name to Chester Townscape to reflect the expanded work that this group of volunteers has undertaken to enhance the look and character of Chester.
Master mason Peter Moore of Pawlet, VT – using a variety of hand and power tools – is removing deteriorated old lime mortar and also chiseling out modern Portland cement, which was superimposed over cracks in the mortared joints of the granite-block Tomb. Moore explained that the harder cement is less flexible than the original lime mortar and doesn't move with the granite blocks – movement that is inevitable when a building has no concrete foundation. Having dug out the crumbled mortar and inappropriate cement, Moore will fill the joints with historically accurate lime mortar and also replace broken slates on the roof and repair the hole there. Pleased to be working on the project, Moore said, “The building is beautiful – all hand done – with granite blocks coming from a small deposit in Gassetts.”
The Chester Beautification Committee – or Chester Townscape, as it will soon be known – is presently soliciting bids for work on the nearby Hearse House and planning a fundraising campaign to cover both the basic restoration costs of Phase I for the combined area project and the educational components of Phase II that will help convert the Hearse House into a most visible historic attraction in the heart of Chester for residents and visitors.
For more information on the complete project and how to contribute to efforts that promote the well-being of Chester, please contact Tory Spater at 802-875-2952 or Suzy Forlie at 802-875-3634.
Caption for photo:
Mason Peter Moore removes crumbling mortar from joints in the granite-block walls of Chester's Public Tomb, built in 1850 and positioned prominently beside the Brookside Cemetery and opposite the Village Green.
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