Meet Aaron, the Fireman, Created by Chester Dollmaker, Bonnie Watters

posted Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Aaron, the Fireman

Meet Aaron, the Fireman, created by Chester dollmaker, Bonnie Watters as a gift to the small but mighty Chester Fire Department. Aaron celebrates the life of young Aaron Douglas, who fought a long battle with cancer five years ago. Aaron loved being a part of the team and he is not forgotten.

The idea for the hydrant eyes came from a photo taken in Chester by Bonnie's photographer husband, Lew.

Town folks have been very receptive of Aaron visiting their business to sell raffle tickets -- $5 each or 6 for $25.

He has already raised the bar. He will be a guest at Chester Rotary and Bonnie's date for the St. Luke's Christmas Tea on December 6th. Be generous and support Aaron's memory and our fire department. The ticket will be drawn on New Year's Eve.

To read his visitation schedule visit

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